Reason's Katherine Mangu-Ward on the Future of the Magazine
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Reason's new editor in chief Katherine Mangu-Ward sat down with former Reason editor and author Virginia Postrel (now a columnist at Bloomberg View) at Reason's Los Angeles headquarters to talk about the future of the magazine as it nears its 50th anniversary.
"Nick Gillespie—and to some extent Matt Welch—their version of Reason was sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. Mine is more like sex, drugs, and robots," says Mangu-Ward.
You may know Mangu-Ward's work already as Reason's managing editor or from her insightful cover stories covering everything from defending plastic bags to why your vote doesn't count.
Approximately 48 minutes.
Edited by Paul Detrick. Camera by Zach Weissmuller, Alexis Garcia and Alex Manning.