Dr. Janci Lindsay (audio improved) at South Carolina Senate hearing on DNA plasmid contamination in Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.
Views: 529
All Covid-19 mRNA vaccines tested contain DNA plasmids. Up to 30% of nucleaic acid material is DNA, not RNA.
Gene therapy was not brought to market for over 40 years of study due to it causing auto-immune disorders and cancers 2-4 years after treatment. Cancer was from gene therapy with human DNA insertions, these are viral insertions.
There are SV40 (Simian Virus 40) nucleic acid sequences in the plasmids. This is the same virus introduced to humans through the (((Salk))) Polio vaccine. It is a cancer causing virus.
Nuclear localization sequence (NLS) in the plasmids are used by gene therapy engineers to take nucleaic material into the nucleus of human cells. There is no (good) reason for this to be in the vaccine.
There is an SV40 promoter in the sequence designed to be expressed in human cells not bacterial cells, in which the mRNA was replicated. Is there an honest motive scientists would have to design a sequence that makes SV40 more dangerous to humans, even in cancer research? Why would it be put into a vaccine?
The mRNA can infect gut bacteria and reproduce, causing perpetual spike protein production.
The plasmids also carry an anti-biotic resistant gene cassette for two commonly used anti-biotics. Any bacteria that uptake these sequences can become immune and replicate.
CDC started censoring VAERS data in 2022 to "prevent vaccine hesitancy". The CDC is hiding bacterial endo-toxin levels in the vaccines.
FDA is useless as usual.