President of National School Choice Week Andrew Campanella Talks Progress in the Movement
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"What we have is not just one sector of school choice growing but all sectors," says President of National School Choice Week, Andrew Campanella. Campanella sat down with Reason Foundation's Director of Education Lisa Snell to talk about the significant progress made in the school choice movement over the last decade.
"We are finally becoming a country where parents are no longer conditioned to think that they don't have choices when it comes to their kid's education," says Campanella.
Campanella says that different parts of the school choice movement are growing in ways that were unimagined ten years ago through open enrollment for public schools, magnet schools, public charter schools, scholarship programs, homeschooling and online learning.
Reason TV has already been to Newark, New Jersey and Houston, Texas to cover National School Choice Week events in 2014, and will cover events in Los Angeles and San Fransisco.
Approximately 9:33.
Produced by Paul Detrick and Will Neff. Shot by Detrick, Neff, and Tracy Oppenheimer.
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